In addition to the use of neurological research methods, it is necessary to involve doctors of other profiles in the diagnosis. otoneurologist, ENT doctor, audiologist. Treatment of BPPV - methods and exercises. The patient who understands the essence of the problem draws the correct conclusion. to avoid paroxysm, movements that shake the otoliths with the appearance of a reaction from their receptors should be avoided. However, to rid the patient of the annoying syndrome, in addition to do my research paper the underlying pathology that caused it, a technique of positional treatment maneuvers carried out with the help of a neurologist is used.
Their essence lies in training the vestibular system by giving the head strictly sequentially changing positions. If necessary, microsurgical interventions are used on the inner ear with filling of essays online semicircular canal with bone chips or using labyrinthectomy. Photo and video selection of BPPV treatment methods. Brandt Daroff exercises, Epley and Semont maneuvers.